All you need to know about scalp psoriasis: symptoms,causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Scalp psoriasis is is one of the very rarechronic genetic skin condition where the skin cells on your scalp tend to grow faster beyond their normal growth rate.It is usually characterized by scaly red dark patches& silvery white scales appearing on the scalp.

It basically creates inflammation on the top layer of your scalp resulting in to skin irritation and itching on the scalp. Scalppsoriasis is one of the kind of anti-immune disease, where our body immune system attacks healthy body cells that protect us from disease and infections instead of fighting against the disease causing organisms that enter in to our body from outside.

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Is scalp psoriasis a contagious disease or not?

Yes! scalp psoriasis is not a contagious disease. It will not pass on from one person to another person through direct physical contact.

Did you know that scalp psoriasis does not have a cure?

There is no permanent cure for scalp psoriasis, however diagnosing it at very early stage will help in prevention or may help in recession of the disease symptoms.

What are the major causes of the scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis often tends to run in families, it means if a person is known to have identified with scalp psoriasis, someone from his/her family must have a history of this disease.It has also been told that the outburst of skin cells growth on scalp results in developing in scalp psoriasis. However, emotional and physical stress, smoking, skin injuries also pose a greater risk of developing this disease in the long run.

Symptoms of scalp psoriasis

Below given is a brief list of symptoms that can be commonly seen in people diagnosed with scalp psoriasis. They are:

  • 1) Itchiness on the scalp
  • 2) Burning& irritation on the scalp
  • 3) Dandruff flakes
  • 4) Hair loss

These symptoms usually appear evenly on the both sides of the scalp, there are high chances that the scalp psoriasis can evenly spread on to other parts of the body such as forehead, back of the neck, around the ears, beard etc.The symptoms of the disease may get worsen especially during the winter season and may get better during the summer season. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms since from a very long time, you can reach out to a certified dermatologist immediately,where he may conduct a biopsy of your skin, nails and scalp to let you know whether you are suffering from scalp psoriasis or not

How to treat scalp psoriasis?

Scalp psoriasis can be treated by alleviating the disease symptoms such as reducing the inflammation and irritation on the scalp caused due tothe disease. Sometimes doctors may recommend using corticosteroids that directly show effect on the person's immune system.

Shampoos, creams, gels made of coal tar also work effectively in alleviating the progress of the disease. They help in skin growth on the scalp reducing inflammation, irritation and scaling being caused on the scalp.

Final Word

People suffering from scalp psoriasis disease have higher probabilities of developing heart diseases in the future, hence at life slimming and cosmetic clinic, we always recommend and advise people, who are on the early stage of this disease to consult the doctor to take necessary primary medication to stop the disease from progressing any further.

If the disease symptoms are not found to have regressedeven after following the primary medication of the doctor.

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In that scenario, we suggest you to consult a certified and trained dermatologist as with his years of experience and expertise in hair treatments, can provide you with the right treatment procedure that can help you reduce the visibility of the disease condition by slowing down the disease symptoms through proper medication.

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